Chg.[Id] = @P1
AND AffItm.[Class] = 1 -- exclude documents
AND AffItm.[IsHomeItem] = 'true' -- exclude partner parts
AND BIR.RChange = Chg.[Id] -- Released iterations
AND Chg.[State] >= 10 -- released/completed change
SELECT -- Bill of Materials Item Line column headers
'Flag' AS [Flag] -- Required (TEXT): The text "Item" indicating the start of a Bill of Materials Item line.
,'Description' AS [Number] -- Required (TEXT): The description of the the Bill of Materials item.
,'Type' AS [Description] -- Required (TEXT): The type of the Bill of Materials Item. Values must match one of the following: [Finished Good | Raw Good | Repair | Work Order | Note]
,'Part' AS [Type] -- Required (TEXT): The part that is associated with this Bill of Materials Item.
,'Quantity' AS [Revision] -- Required (NMBR): The quantity associated with this Bill of Materials Item.
,'UOM' AS [AutoCreateType] -- Required (TEXT): The unit of measurement to use for this Bill of Materials item. It must match (including case) an existing UOM abbreviation (not the name) in Fishbowl.
,'IsOneTimeItem' AS [NoDataA] -- Optional (BOOL): Determines if this is a one time item. A one time item will not be affected by the quantity of a work order. [true | false]
,'IsStage' AS [NoDataB] -- Optional (BOOL): Determines if the Bill of Materials Item is a stage. [true | false]
,'StageBOMNumber' AS [NoDataC] -- Optional (TEXT): The Bill of Materials number of the stage Bill of Materials. The finished good part number that matches the Part field on this import line.
,'InstructionNote' AS [NoDataD] -- Optional (TEXT): The note that will be displayed when this item is selected in the Bill of Materials instructions.
,'ConfigurationSortOrder' AS [NoDataE] -- Optional (NMBR): The line number of this Bill of Materials item in the Configuration of a Bill of Materials.
,'InstructionSortOrder' AS [NoDataF] -- Optional (NMBR): The row number of this Bill of Materials. >> BOM list row number (FG is 1, RG 2... sorted by Find)
,0 AS [AffectedLine] -- THESE HEADERS MOVE TO FIRST DATA ROW - located here as headers from following results
,0 AS [Find]
-- Item: parent as output Finished Good
'Item' AS [Flag]
,'Create ' + AffItm.[Number] AS [Description]
,'Finished Good' AS [Type]
,AffItm.[Number] AS [Part]
,'1' AS [Quantity]
,AffItm.[DefaultUOM] AS [UOM]
,'' AS [IsOneTimeItem]
,'' AS [IsStage]
,'' AS [StageBOMNumber]
,'' AS [InstructionNote]
,'' AS [ConfigurationSortOrder]
,'1' AS [InstructionSortOrder]
,AI.[LineNumber] AS [AffectedLine]
,0.1 AS [Find] -- place FG row immediately after BOM Item Line header row
Change_View Chg
INNER JOIN AffectedItem_View AI ON AI.[ChangeAction] = Chg.[Id]
INNER JOIN BasicItemRevision_View BIR ON AI.[Item] = BIR.[ItemId]
AND BIR.RChange = Chg.[Id]
INNER JOIN viewer.ItemView AffItm ON AffItm.[ItemId] = AI.[Item]
INNER JOIN StructureItem_View BomList ON BomList.[ParentItem] = AffItm.[ItemId]
AND BomList.[FromNum] <= Chg.[ChangeNum] AND BomList.[ToNum] > Chg.[ChangeNum]
Chg.[Id] = @P1
AND AffItm.[Class] = 1
AND AffItm.[IsHomeItem] = 'true'
AND Chg.[State] >= 10
-- Item: child component
'Item' AS [Flag]
,'Add ' + Comp.[Number] AS [Description]
,'Raw Good' AS [Type]
WHEN LEN(ISNULL(Comp.[Number],'')) = 0 THEN '' -- 'ERROR'
ELSE Comp.[Number]
END AS [Part]
,CAST(ISNULL(BomList.[QtyInPU], 0) AS nvarchar(10)) AS [Quantity]
WHEN LEN(ISNULL(Comp.[DefaultUOM],'')) = 0 THEN 'ERROR'
ELSE Comp.[DefaultUOM]
WHEN BomList.[BOMQuantityCategory] = 1 THEN 'true'
ELSE 'false'
END AS [IsOneTimeItem]
,CASE WHEN Comp.[Type] IN (@AssemblyPartTypeName1, @AssemblyPartTypeName2, @AssemblyPartTypeName3, @AssemblyPartTypeName4) THEN 'true'
ELSE 'false'
END AS [IsStage]
,CASE WHEN Comp.[Type] IN (@AssemblyPartTypeName1, @AssemblyPartTypeName2, @AssemblyPartTypeName3, @AssemblyPartTypeName4) THEN Comp.[Number]
END AS [StageBOMNumber]
ISNULL(BomList.[Notes],'') +
WHEN LEN(ISNULL(BomList.[ReferenceDesignator],'')) > 0 THEN ' RefDes: ' + BomList.[ReferenceDesignator]
)) AS [InstructionNote]
,CAST(BomList.[Number] AS varchar) AS [ConfigurationSortOrder]
,CAST((1 + ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY AI.[LineNumber] ORDER BY BomList.[Number])) AS varchar) AS [InstructionSortOrder]
,AI.[LineNumber] AS [AffectedLine]
,BomList.[Number] AS [Find]
Change_View Chg
INNER JOIN AffectedItem_View AI ON AI.[ChangeAction] = Chg.[Id]
INNER JOIN BasicItemRevision_View BIR ON AI.[Item] = BIR.[ItemId]
AND BIR.RChange = Chg.[Id]
INNER JOIN viewer.ItemView AffItm ON AffItm.[ItemId] = AI.[Item]
INNER JOIN StructureItem_View BomList ON BomList.[ParentItem] = AffItm.[ItemId]
AND BomList.[FromNum] <= Chg.[ChangeNum] AND BomList.[ToNum] > Chg.[ChangeNum]
INNER JOIN BasicItemRevision_View CompRev ON CompRev.[ItemId] = BomList.[BasicItem]
AND CompRev.[FromNum] <= Chg.[ChangeNum] AND CompRev.[ToNum] > Chg.[ChangeNum]
INNER JOIN ItemLifeCyclePhase_View CompLC ON CompLC.[Id] = CompRev.[LifeCyclePhase]
INNER JOIN viewer.ItemView Comp ON Comp.[ItemId] = CompRev.[ItemId]
Chg.[Id] = @P1
AND AffItm.[IsHomeItem] = 'true'
AND Chg.[State] >= 10
) BOMRows
[AffectedLine], [Find]