= 10 -- released/completed change
, Contact AS
-- preferred contact is active Person, with Name in alphabetical order
,[Phone1] AS [Phone]
,[Phone3] AS [AltPhone]
,[Phone4] AS [Pager]
,[PrimaryEmailId] AS [EmailAddress]
,[SecondaryEmailId] AS [IMAddress]
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [Organization] ORDER BY [IsActive] DESC, [Name]) AS [RowNum]
Person_View Prsn
) OrgPrsn
[RowNum] = 1
[Name] -- Required (TEXT41): The name of the vendor to be created. If it already exists, this line will attempt to create a new address. This must be the first column.
,[AddressName] -- Required (TEXT90): The name of the address to be created. Each address to be created must have a unique name.
,[AddressContact] -- Required (TEXT41): This is the attention/contact/firstline of the address
,[AddressType] -- Required (NMBR): The address type. Valid options are: [10 - Ship To | 20 - Bill To | 30 - Remit To | 40 - Home | 50 - Main Office]
,[IsDefault] -- Optional (BOOL): Specifies this address as a default address of its type.
,[Address] -- Optional (TEXT90): Street address
,[City] -- Optional (TEXT30): City
,[State] -- Optional (TEXT30): The state name or code. The state must already exist in your Fishbowl database.
,[Zip] -- Optional (TEXT30): The zip code
,[Country] -- Optional (TEXT64): The country name or code.
,[Main] -- Optional (TEXT30): The Main contact information.
,[Mobile] -- Optional (TEXT30): The Mobile contact information.
,[Fax] -- Optional (TEXT30): The Fax contact information.
,[Work] -- Optional (TEXT30): The Work contact information.
,[Home] -- Optional (TEXT30): The Home contact information.
,[Pager] -- Optional (TEXT30): The Pager contact information.
,[Email] -- Optional (TEXT30): The Email contact information.
--,[Web] -- Optional (TEXT30): The Web contact information.
,[Other] -- Optional (TEXT30): The Other contact information.
,[CurrencyName] -- Optional (TEXT255): The default currency of the vendor. Only used if currency conversion is turned on.
,[CurrencyRate] -- Optional (NMBR): The currency rate of the vendor. Only used if currency conversion is turned on. Value of zero will use the default rate on the currency.
--,[DefaultTerms] -- Optional (TEXT30): The default terms for the vendor.
--,[DefaultCarrier] -- Optional (TEXT): The default carrier for the vendor.
--,[DefaultShippingTerms] -- Optional (TEXT): The default shipping terms for the vendor.
,[Status] -- Optional (TEXT): The status of the vendor. Valid options are: [ Normal | Preferred | Hold PO | Hold Receipt | Hold All ]
--,[AccountNumber] -- Optional (TEXT): Your account number with the vendor.
,[Active] -- Optional (BOOL): Specifies if the vendor is active. Valid entries are "true" and "false".
--,[AlertNotes] -- Optional (TEXT90): This is displayed when the vendor is selected on the Purchase Order.
--,[MinOrderAmount] -- Optional (NMBR): The minimum dollar amount that must be on a Purchase Order for the order to be issued.
,[URL] -- Optional (TEXT256): The URL for this vendor.
WHEN LEN(ISNULL(Vndr.[Name],'')) = 0 THEN ''
ELSE LEFT(Vndr.[Name],41)
END AS [Name]
,RTRIM(LEFT(ISNULL(Vndr.[Name],''),80) + ' (Main)') AS [AddressName]
WHEN LEN(ISNULL(Cntct.[Name],'')) > 0 THEN Cntct.[Name]
WHEN LEN(ISNULL(Vndr.[POBox],'')) > 0 THEN Vndr.[POBox]
ELSE '(No contact)'
END AS [AddressContact]
,'50' AS [AddressType]
,'true' AS [IsDefault]
,LEFT(ISNULL(Vndr.[Street],''),90) AS [Address]
,LEFT(ISNULL(Vndr.[City],''),30) AS [City]
,LEFT(ISNULL(Vndr.[Region],''),30) AS [State]
,LEFT(ISNULL(Vndr.[PostalCode],''),30) AS [Zip]
,LEFT(ISNULL(Cntry.[Name],''),30) AS [Country]
,LEFT(ISNULL(Vndr.[Phone1],''),30) AS [Main]
,LEFT(ISNULL(Vndr.[Phone3],''),30) AS [Mobile]
,LEFT(ISNULL(Vndr.[Phone2],''),30) AS [Fax]
,LEFT(ISNULL(Cntct.[Phone],''),30) AS [Work]
,LEFT(ISNULL(Cntct.[AltPhone],''),30) AS [Home]
,LEFT(COALESCE(Vndr.[PrimaryEmailId], Cntct.[EmailAddress], ''),30) AS [Email]
,LEFT(COALESCE(Vndr.[Phone4], Cntct.[Pager], ''),30) AS [Pager]
,'' AS [Web]
,LEFT(ISNULL(Cntct.[IMAddress], ''),30) AS [Other]
,LEFT(ISNULL(Crncy.[Name],''),255) AS [CurrencyName]
,'0' AS [CurrencyRate]
,'' AS [DefaultTerms]
,'' AS [DefaultCarrier]
,'' AS [DefaultShippingTerms]
,'Normal' AS [Status]
,'' AS [AccountNumber]
,'true' AS [Active]
,'' AS [AlertNotes]
,'0' AS [MinOrderAmount]
,LEFT(ISNULL(Vndr.[Uri],''),256) AS [URL]
Change_View Chg
INNER JOIN AffectedItem_View AI ON AI.[ChangeAction] = Chg.[Id]
INNER JOIN viewer.ItemView AffItm ON AffItm.[ItemId] = AI.[Item]
INNER JOIN SourceItem_View SrcList ON SrcList.[ParentItem] = AI.[Item]
AND SrcList.[FromNum] <= Chg.[ChangeNum] AND SrcList.[ToNum] > Chg.[ChangeNum]
INNER JOIN BasicItemRevision_View VndrPrtRev ON VndrPrtRev.[ItemId] = SrcList.[BasicItem]
AND VndrPrtRev.[FromNum] <= Chg.[ChangeNum] AND VndrPrtRev.[ToNum] > Chg.[ChangeNum]
INNER JOIN Item_View VndrPrt ON VndrPrt.[Id] = VndrPrtRev.[ItemId]
INNER JOIN Organization_View Vndr ON Vndr.[Id] = VndrPrt.[Owner]
INNER JOIN Country_View Cntry ON Cntry.[Id] = Vndr.[Country]
INNER JOIN Currency_View Crncy ON Crncy.[Id] = Vndr.[Currency]
LEFT JOIN Contact Cntct ON Cntct.[Organization] = Vndr.[Id]
LEFT JOIN AffectedItemOwners PrevItmOwnr ON PrevItmOwnr.[Owner] = VndrPrt.[Owner]
AND PrevItmOwnr.[ChangeNum] < Chg.[ChangeNum]
Chg.[Id] = @P1
AND AffItm.[IsHomeItem] = 'true'
AND PrevItmOwnr.[Owner] IS NULL
) OwnerList