PDXpert PLM Software
Simple, flexible product lifecycle management software for growing companies™
PDXpert PLM software features: Document control
PDXpert PLM manages your documents and their revisions. You can create document types for every department, each with its own document numbering sequence and revision format.
Document records are often used as "containers" for files shared across multiple parts. You can add a document record to any part or assembly structure, and users will be able to easily navigate to the permanently-attached electronic files that describe your requirements, specifications and procedures. Easily move from one document revision to the next, and research the history of your designs.
- Create a virtually unlimited variety of document types, each with their own built-in and custom properties
- Define document numbers with up to 70 alphanumeric characters, with prefix, sequentially-assigned, suffix and skip characters
- Define revisions with up to 10 alphanumeric characters, with ability to skip invalid characters (e.g., MIL-STD-100's I/O/Q/S/X/Z)
- Specify text templates that guide users how to name documents using your preferred title format
- Manually or automatically assign revisions, using separate preproduction and production revision sequences
- Manage design maturity and discourage unconstrained use by applying your own lifecycle phases, such as preliminary, prototype, production
- Identify and assign tasks necessary to prepare the document for release
- Specify other documents as references
- Research where a specification or procedure is referenced by other parts and documents, as well as change forms where the document revision was released, canceled or otherwise affected
- Attach any number of files to a document revision; check-out/-in files for modifications without conflicts
- Create custom attributes for text, numeric values, dates, checkboxes, and collection dropdowns
- Allow regulatory agencies, customers and supply chain partners to own documents that affect your product definition