PDXpert bills of materials
Bills of materials are hierarchical lists of items that report to a common "parent".
PDXpert PLM offers an easy-to-use BOM markup process: simply search for your child item using the Item Explorer, and drag it onto the parent item's Markup list. It couldn't be easier!
- Build hierarchical parent-child BOM relationships with unlimited levels
- "Drill down" into any structure, and open child items to display associated design files from the data library
- "Drill up" to show which assemblies use the current item
- Assign a virtually unlimited number of items to any structure level
- Define bill of materials attributes like quantity, units of measure and reference designators
- Add, replace or remove child items across multiple BOMs using the powerful Markup Wizard
- Roll up assembly costs, assembly weight, and material composition
- Print bill of materials reports and export in Excel and Adobe PDF
- Export bill of materials to downstream manufacturing systems in a variety of text-based formats including XML, CSV, tab-delimited, etc.
- Share rich "PDX packages" with your supply chain partners that contain the multi-level BOM, all sources, file attachments, change forms and other assembly data
- Trace the assembly's change history on each revision's Markup list
- Release a new child item revision that automatically updates every BOM that uses it

Parts, Sources & BOMs