How to purchase, renew, convert or upgrade your PDXpert license

We provide standardized products with uniform sales policies and procedures. Our customers represent a wide variety of industries, operating structures and legal jurisdictions throughout the world; we regret that it's not practical for us to examine, negotiate and agree to each organization's unique purchase terms. Please read our policies before offering to make a purchase.


Sales policies§

All commercial transactions between Buyer ("you", "your") and HX3 Solutions, Inc. ("HX3", "we", "us", "our") are subject to the standard terms, conditions and policies ("policies") described (1) on this page, and (2) within our PDXpert License Agreement ("License Agreement"), into which these policies are incorporated. Buyer and HX3 includes their respective subsidiaries, employees, contractors, and other authorized agents.

Any terms or conditions that are inconsistent with or are in addition to our policies ("exceptional terms") must be specified in a written Master Sales Agreement ("MSA"), which must be signed by an authorized representative of each party prior to your purchase.

For transactions that are not subject to a written and signed MSA, any of the following constitute acceptance of our policies: (a) you have registered on this website and visit this web page; (b) we identify these policies in any written or electronic communication — e.g., quotation — to you prior to your purchase; (c) you receive an invoice referring to these policies and you pay any portion of such invoice; (d) you use any products that require License Agreement acceptance as a precondition to installation; or (e) any other act which reasonably implies awareness of these policies. Your acceptance authorizes us, without further notice, to disregard any exceptional terms however communicated. If you provide any communication that requires an acknowledgement by us, our acknowledgement (signed or otherwise) confirms only our receipt of your communication without accepting any exceptional terms contained therein.

You may reject these policies by declining to initiate a commercial transaction, or by canceling your initial transaction (and destroying software or license provided to you) prior to payment. All prices, discounts, renewal and conversion policies, terms and conditions are subject to periodic review. Revisions become effective when published on this page, without obligation to provide separate notice.

The software license specifies "Named User Accounts"§

A PDXpert software license key is assigned to a single server computer that permits access by named user accounts1. A named user account is a unique log-in username that is assigned to exactly one person, for that person's exclusive use on up to 3 computers during any 12-month period.

  • Each computer on which the PDXpert Server application is installed must be assigned a unique license key.2
  • A named user account may not be used for concurrent, shared, pooled, floating, team, enterprise, site or other non-exclusive user access.

We permit one exception: a workgroup may use a read-only named user account (a "kiosk account") on a single computer at a specified physical location (a "node"). A kiosk account may not use a full-function named user account, and may not be used with more than one node. For compliance auditing, the node is counted as one person when: each kiosk node's fixed physical location must be recorded in the Persons record description, and the account's log-in username must begin with kiosk, such as kiosk06 or kiosk-mfg.

When a person no longer needs access to PDXpert, the administrator may delete that person's named user account and re-assign the user account exclusively to another person.

A maintenance, support and upgrades (MSU) subscription is assigned to a license and all of its named user accounts. It's not possible to assign MSU to a subset of user accounts on a license.

Purchasing your PDXpert software license§

You may provide your purchase order via email, fax, postal mail service, or telephone. We recommend always sending an email, even when sending your order via other means, so that we may confirm your order and issue your license as quickly as possible.

Ensure that the purchase information includes your organization name, address, postal (zip) code, and country, as well as the email and telephone of the principal administrative contact(s). We reserve the right to reject incomplete orders, and no order will be deemed accepted until we send you a confirmation.

Credit terms§

At our option, we may offer payment terms of NET 30 DAYS; however, we have no obligation to do so. Upon receipt and acceptance of your purchase order, we provide a temporary license key that provides access for at least 30 days, and the final license key immediately upon bank receipt of funds.

Credit reports & reporting§

You authorize us (a) to obtain and verify credit reports and other credit information from third parties to ascertain your suitability for credit payment terms, and (b) to report your payment performance to our banking and credit services providers. Failure to honor the agreed payment terms will affect future transactions.

Brokers, purchasing and financing services, agents§

We issue a software license to the organization that is explicitly identified on the software license key (the "Licensee"), which is solely responsible for license compliance. You, the Licensee, may authorize a purchasing or financing service, reseller, IT contractor, or other legal entity (your "Agent") to execute a purchase on your behalf, subject to the credit terms and standard purchase transaction policies. The Licensee is the guarantor for payment, and agrees to pay HX3 in the event that the Agent fails to pay our invoice. We do not furnish your Agent a commission, broker fee, or reseller discount; warranty, non-disclosure agreement, vendor application, supplier disclosure or other representation; or any other element that may imply a relationship distinct from being your Agent, or which may affect or impair the agreement between the Licensee and HX3.


Payment must be received for the total invoice amount in US dollars. Payments must be free of all transaction costs such as currency conversion fees; bank fees; broker surcharges; government taxes and duties; foreign exchange fees; or other charges. Your non-refundable software license key is issued upon payment.

By electronic bill pay, ACH or wire transfer: Contact us for bank ACH/EFT or SWIFT information.

By check: Checks must be drawn on a bank with a US (ABA) routing number, and payable to HX3 Solutions, Inc. Mail to:

HX3 Solutions, Inc.
Attention: Accounting
PO Box 4040
Westford, MA 01886 USA

By credit card: A three percent (3%) processing surcharge is added to the original invoice total.3 To retain the option of returning the software within 30 days of the original purchase date, you must request a refundable license key when you provide your credit card details. We reserve the right to decline credit card transactions and to specify rules to comply with merchant account requirements, ensure payment and prevent fraud.

By PayPal: A three percent (3%) processing surcharge is added to the original invoice total.3  Any time before the payment due date, you can request us to re-issue our original invoice as a PayPal invoice sent to your designated email address. Payment method — debit card, bank transfer, credit card, PayPal balance, etc. — is agreed between PayPal and payer. PayPal is an independent entity; we do not determine (or even know) the criteria for a completed transaction. If payer's transaction cannot be completed, we will cancel the PayPal invoice and restore our original invoice, including original amount and due date. We reserve the right to decline PayPal transactions and to specify rules to comply with PayPal requirements, ensure payment and prevent fraud.

Sales tax, government-imposed fees, and title§

Non-tangible computer software, such as PDXpert software, currently is not subject to Colorado state sales tax.4 However, we reserve the right to charge for such taxes in the event they are imposed.

You are responsible for paying all applicable government sales, transfer, use, asset, import, customs, value-added, and other taxes, tariffs, duties and fees imposed by any governmental entity.

Our software is licensed, not leased or sold. There is no transfer of legal ownership or interest; the license grants a limited privilege to use our proprietary software code, but does not provide any exclusive possession or property right; and the license is revocable by us if you fail to observe the license terms or payment policies. Within taxing jurisdictions that treat a fixed-period software license as a lease, you may only purchase a perpetual license (with or without annual maintenance). Check with your tax authority before placing your order.

Late payment fees§

Amounts not paid by the invoice due date will be subject to a late charge of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month (eighteen percent (18%) per year) or the applicable legal maximum, whichever is less. Late charges are intended as reasonable estimates of the amounts necessary to compensate HX3 for costs and losses associated with delays in payment, and not as a penalties.

Customer good standing§

We reserve the right to decline new orders if previous invoices remain unpaid; for non-compliance with the License Agreement or these policies; or for any other lawful reason. We will decline transactions with organizations that are subject to U.S. Government trade sanctions. If we decline a new transaction, your current license and previously-incurred commercial obligations remain unaffected.

Calculating the price of a subscription license§

Subscriptions are invoiced as a one-time payment for the 6-/12-month subscription period. Discounts are based on the invoiced number of user accounts and commitment period.

Here's how we calculate your subscription license cost and expiration.

We determine (a) your discounted price based on the number of user accounts and the commitment period (6 or 12 months). (b) We then take the monthly rate, multiply it by the number of months in the period, and (c) multiply the result by the number of users you've selected. (d) For the full year, we increment the start date's year. For less than a year, we increment the start date's month.

For example, suppose that you choose to start a subscription for 12 users on April 10 and you want the subscription to run 6 months. We calculate the total cost (a) using the monthly price per user account from the 6 month/10 user cell, (b) multiply this cost per user by the 6 month commitment period, and then (c) multiply this result by the 12 users. (d) Your expiration period is 6 months after April 10th, which is October 10th.

A subscription cannot be reduced prior to its expiration, and the subscription fees are not refundable. However, you can renew a subscription at its expiration for a shorter period or for fewer users. You can take advantage of additional discounts by adding users and/or extending the subscription period while the subscription is active. You can also purchase a replacement perpetual license at the end of any subscription period.

Calculating the price of a perpetual license and MSU§

A perpetual license does not automatically include an annual maintenance, support and upgrades (MSU) subscription. The MSU subscription is a separate line item that is purchased when the perpetual license is purchased. The MSU quantities exactly match the full-function and read-only user accounts.

Here's how we calculate your perpetual license price and annual MSU subscription.

We determine (a) your discounted perpetual price based on the number of user accounts you've chosen, and (b) if you've opted for annual MSU, add the MSU rate for that discount level. We then (c) multiply the result by the actual number of user accounts you've selected. (d) For the MSU expiration date, we increment the start date's year.

For example, suppose that you purchase a perpetual license for 12 users on April 10 and you choose to include annual maintenance, support and upgrades. We calculate the total cost (a) using the one-time price per user from the 10 user discount cell, (b) add the annual MSU cost per user, also from the 10-user discount cell, and then (c) multiply this result by the 12 user accounts. (d) Your MSU expiration date is the next anniversary of your purchase, April 10th next year.

Discounts for volume purchases and renewals§

Full-function and read-only user accounts are counted separately to determine the discount level for each. Changing the quantity of one won't affect the discount level applied to the other.

For purposes of determining the discount level applied to a new purchase, both currently-active and the new user accounts are included. The discount is applied to the new user accounts only; it's not applied retroactively to previous purchases.

For MSU/subscription renewals, the discount levels are applied to the total full-function and total read-only user accounts, regardless of when they were acquired.

For example, the discount levels applied to a license with 7 full-function user accounts and 25 read-only user accounts are, respectively, at 3+ full-function and at 10+ read-only (rather than at 30+ combined). If five full-function user accounts are later added, the discount level for these five is at the 10+ full-function level (7+5 ≥ 10); no previously-purchased user accounts' costs are adjusted. When renewing an annual subscription, the 10+ discount is applied to all 12 full-function user accounts without considering their original purchase date. Changes to the number of read-only user accounts wouldn't affect these full-function discount levels.

Renewing a subscription license or perpetual MSU§

Subscriptions expire on the ending date specified by the PDXpert Software License Key. Your software license type — perpetual or subscription — determines the license duration and expiration effect. Your subscription renewal price is calculated using the separate full-function and read-only user account quantities, multiplied by the then-current per-unit published rates and discounts for full-function and read-only user accounts. A subscription is applied to a license and all of its named user accounts. It's not possible to assign a subscription to a subset of user accounts on a license, although you can renew a smaller quantity by removing user accounts.

  • Subscription license: For continued access to the PDXpert system, you must renew your subscription by the expiration date.

    If you reduce the number of user accounts when renewing your subscription, user accounts are removed from the license. Removing user accounts may change the discount level applicable to the renewal price. A removed user account can be restored to the license by purchasing a prorated subscription to the license's next future subscription anniversary.

    If you do not renew your subscription license, after the subscription end date all user accounts are disabled and access to your data stops. To restore access, purchase a new license.

  • Perpetual license: Your renewal of annual maintenance, support and upgrades (MSU) provides access to new software releases, a free test and training server instance license, discounted services labor rates, and product technical support.

    If you reduce the number of user accounts when renewing your perpetual license's annual MSU subscription, user accounts without MSU are removed from the license. Removing user accounts may change the discount level applicable to the renewal price. A removed user account can be restored to the license by purchasing MSU from when it was removed to the license's next future subscription anniversary. See Restore your MSU subscription after it expires.

    If you do not renew your perpetual license's annual MSU subscription, your PDXpert system remains fully-functional, and can be accessed by the licensed number of user accounts, after the expiration data. However, you cannot receive MSU-related benefits such as technical support or software updates published after the expiration date. Software without MSU remains subject to all applicable terms of the License Agreement.

    After your MSU subscription expires:

A new license key is issued when we receive your renewal payment. To help you avoid service interruption, we normally send a renewal reminder as a pro forma invoice about 35 days before your subscription's expiration date (you may request an earlier reminder). You have no obligation to pay this invoice, and you may let the subscription expire. If your purchase order number must appear on our invoice, promptly issue your PO so that our invoice can be updated with your PO number (which does not change the payment due date).

Adding subscription user accounts§

If you have previously purchased a subscription license, additional user accounts are discounted based on the new quantity of user accounts, which separately counts full-function and read-only user accounts.

We synchronize your new license's expiration to the previous license's expiration date and invoice you the prorated amount.

Adding perpetual user accounts§

If you have previously purchased a perpetual license, additional user accounts are discounted based on the new quantity of user accounts, which separately counts full-function (FF) and read-only (RO) user accounts. The price and software release of added user accounts depend on the current status of the maintenance, support and upgrades (MSU) subscription. In all cases, when the sum of existing and added user accounts reaches a new quantity discount level, we apply that level only for the new user accounts; the discount is not retroactively credited to previously-purchased user accounts.

New user accounts for license with a current MSU subscription§

We calculate the added user accounts' perpetual license price, and prorate the MSU subscription price, at the applicable discount level. The proration ensures that all user accounts (whenever acquired) share the same MSU subscription renewal date.

When the MSU is later renewed, all FF/RO user accounts (whenever acquired) are separately counted to determine the discount level.

New user accounts for license without a current MSU subscription§

If you wish to use your current software release for the new user accounts, you can purchase additional user accounts without MSU. All application clients are locked to the software version installed on the server computer. If the server is limited to an older release, then new clients will use that older release. They will be upgraded whenever the server and other user accounts are upgraded.

If you prefer to upgrade the server and all clients to a more recent software release, (1) restore your expired MSU subscription, and (2) include MSU for your newly-added user accounts.

Restore your MSU subscription after it expires§

Product features and improvements are cumulative, and thus maintenance, support and upgrades (MSU) is continuous. Upgrading requires obtaining a current MSU subscription for all licensed user accounts. Restoring an MSU subscription simply means that all MSU invoices that otherwise would've been paid are brought up to date.

Every perpetual license's user account has an MSU subscription end date.

  • If no MSU annual subscription was ever purchased for the user account, then the MSU subscription end date is that user account's original purchase date, regardless of the dates shown on the license key.
  • If at least one MSU annual subscription was purchased for a user account, then the MSU subscription end date is that user account's most recent MSU subscription's expiration date. Such date may be earlier than the current license's expiration end date if, for example, the user account was removed on an earlier subscription renewal and is being restored on a renewed subscription.

Restoring the MSU annual subscription for each user account requires payment from the account's MSU subscription end date through to the next future anniversary of the MSU subscription end date. This may require payments for more than one "skipped" year. When a user account was purchased midway through a subscription year, the MSU for that year is prorated. After several years, it may be less expensive to purchase a new user account than to restore the MSU of an existing account. Contact us to discuss the most economical solution.

After purchase, you can upgrade to the current release and receive technical support for the remaining subscription period.

Regardless of whether the software has an MSU subscription, the product is subject to the License Agreement.

Restoring expired MSU subscription is subject to approval and can take up to 10 business days after all payment is completed.

Upgrading a read-only account to a full-function account§

You may upgrade a read-only user account to full-function.

  • Subscription license: The full-function user account price is prorated to the remaining subscription period, and reduced by a credit for the read-only account's unused portion: $(full-function – read-only) × (days remaining / subscription period)%
  • Perpetual license: There are two components: (1) the price difference between the perpetual license unit price for a full-function user account and the unit price for a read-only account; plus (2) the MSU (if any) is differenced and prorated to the remaining period (as above).

Prices are based on the existing license's pre-upgrade quantity at the current published price; for example, upgrading one read-only user account on a license with 29 full-function and 10 read-only accounts is priced at current 10+ FF and 10+ RO discount levels (not post-upgrade 30+ FF and 3+ RO discount levels).

Upgrades are subject to an additional US$100 replacement license fee. Upon receiving the replacement license, you must promptly delete or destroy the original license key and all copies and, upon our request, will confirm in writing that this has been done.

Converting a subscription to a perpetual license§

You may convert an unexpired subscription license to a perpetual license, provided that the subscription has at least six months remaining before expiration. We apply the unused portion of your current subscription to your new perpetual license and MSU. Your existing subscription license includes all upgrades and support for the unexpired period, and therefore the new perpetual license must include an MSU subscription for the same period. An invoice is issued for the difference between the cost of old and new licenses. Any unused portion that exceeds what can be applied to the new license is not refundable.

Conversions are subject to an additional US$100 replacement license fee. Upon receiving the replacement license, you must promptly delete or destroy the original license key and all copies and, upon our request, will confirm in writing that this has been done.

Exchanging full-function & read-only accounts§

If you have a current MSU/subscription, you may exchange one full-function (FF) user account with several read-only (RO) user accounts, or vice versa, at the same discount level.

Current user accounts are valued based on your license's current FF / RO discount levels.

  • Perpetual license: User accounts within the same discount range convert between one full-function and five read-only user accounts (1FF:5RO).
  • Subscription license: User accounts within the same discount range convert between one full-function and four read-only user accounts (1FF:4RO).

When exchanging user accounts across different FF/RO discount levels (e.g., exchanging a FF at 10+ level with RO at 30+ level), the number of converted user accounts and MSU may be adjusted, or the price difference will be invoiced. We do not provide refunds or credits as a result of an exchange.

The MSU/subscription expiration date will not be affected.

Exchanges are subject to an additional US$100 replacement license fee. Upon receiving the replacement license, you must promptly delete or destroy the original license key and all copies and, upon our request, will confirm in writing that this has been done.

Hybrid license with perpetual & subscription user accounts§

We can create a license that combines a "base" perpetual license for long-term use with shorter-term subscription user accounts. The total perpetual and subscription full-function accounts are used to calculate the full-function discount, and similarly for the total read-only user accounts. Subscription user accounts always include MSU, so hybrid licenses must maintain or restore a current MSU subscription on the perpetual user accounts. If you later do not renew the subscription user accounts, the volume discount reverts to the total number of remaining perpetual user accounts. Please contact us for assistance.

Multi-server environments§

Each licensed PDXpert system includes the license for the PDXpert Application Server software, which is bundled with your PDXpert client software at no additional cost.

Volume discounts are offered on a per-server/per-system basis that counts the number of user accounts attached to a licensed server. For companies with multiple systems (and server licenses), each system is treated separately for determining eligible volume discounts.

Moving user accounts between systems, or merging one license into another, is subject to a US$100 service fee, plus any proration required to synchronize the moved accounts with their assigned license's expiration. You can move user accounts to/from a system only once per calendar year. As a result of this move, the new user account discount level applicable to each license or all licenses may change. Although no discount adjustments are made for the current MSU/subscription period, subsequent service renewals may have a different discount level based on the user accounts assigned to each server.

The PDXpert Application Server always requires its own distinct license, unless the system is installed for the sole purpose of evaluating the installed PDXpert system and is operating within the initial evaluation period.

Maintenance, support and upgrades§

MSU scope§

Our maintenance, support and update ("MSU") service is available as an option with perpetual licenses, and is included with all subscription licenses. MSU services are limited in duration and must be renewed periodically to maintain coverage.

The scope of MSU services:

  • Maintenance updates our software installers and code in response to third-party changes to the application requirements. The application requirements consist of current, fully-operational: Microsoft Windows, Windows Server and .NET; SQL Server versions and editions; security notices and service packs for Windows, SQL Server, .NET and Windows Search; and third-party components that we may provide with our software (e.g., OpenXML, Lucene, SQLite). You agree to maintain your computing environment in accordance with our published application requirements, which may change from time to time. We agree to make commercially reasonable efforts to respond to third-party changes to the application requirements in a timely manner.

  • Support provides application installation, configuration, operation and diagnostic advice to you using written procedures, supplemented by issue-specific email, phone and web guidance. Our advice, as well as web-based training to technical contacts and end-user groups, is available during our normal business hours, or at other hours as mutually agreed (extra charges may apply). We do not access your computing environment to provide advice. Instead, you agree (a) to provide us with software logs, user observations, screen images, and other necessary, sufficient and verifiable5 information for us to respond to your request, and (b) to appropriately adjust our advice to your environment.

  • Upgrades add new product features, improve performance and convenience, and correct reproducible deficiencies that materially affect normal operation. The scope and purpose of product changes are at our discretion, and may affect your use of the product; we recommend validating new releases in a test environment before upgrading your production system. A reproducible deficiency is an inconsistency between the product's documented and observed operation; or an application-reported error message or log file entry; or, starting with our system requirements in their default configuration, the instructions needed to reproduce the problem. We agree to make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the software product and its documentation conform in all material respects to each other. We also agree to make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that data contained in an earlier release can be upgraded to a new release at nominal cost.

Test and training server instance§

Provided that you have a current paid MSU service for your license (the "principal" license), upon your request we will provide one no-cost temporary license (the "sandbox" license) for use by a separate PDXpert Server instance. You agree that such sandbox license shall be used only for purposes of testing PDXpert configuration settings and upgrades, database query or report development, or training users who have current user accounts under the principal license. The sandbox license shall be valid only until the end of the principal license's current MSU service period (which may be renewed), or until termination of the principal license for any reason. You agree that the sandbox license shall not be used for any production system or purpose; is subject to the same conditions and restrictions as the principal license, and will be administered with the same duty of care; and shall not be transferred to any third party for any purpose.

License and user account conversions§

Provided that you have a current paid MSU service for your license, you may convert a subscription license's user accounts to a perpetual license and exchange full-function and read-only user accounts according to the procedures, limitations and fees described.

Product changes§

All product changes are incrementally and cumulatively added to our most recent published product, and not to earlier product releases. We will periodically announce, according to our standard policies, new product releases that we make available for download. The content and schedule of product changes are determined at our sole discretion. When we make a new product release available for download, you agree that the new product (a) becomes an integral part of the original product, and is subject to the terms of the PDXpert License & Warranty Agreement, and (b) fulfills our applicable maintenance, support and/or update obligations, regardless of whether you choose to use it.

PDX package signing certificate§

Each MSU subscriber's license key file contains a cryptographic certificate for signing PDX packages during the MSU subscription period (this feature requires a compatible PDXpert release). Signed packages can be validated and authenticated, and facilitate certificate-based password-protected encryption.

Professional services§

Separately contracted professional services are outside the scope of your MSU subscription. Unless otherwise agreed in writing: (1) programming code quoted as a fixed-price professional service is warranted to conform to the original contract specifications for 30 calendar days after delivery; (2) database import, migration, export, repair and maintenance activities are warranted for 10 calendar days after delivery; and (3) all other contracted professional services, including projects quoted as "time and materials" or "estimated price, not to exceed", are deemed conforming at the time of service delivery.

Provided that you have a current paid MSU service for your license, separately contracted professional services are discounted 25% from our standard labor rates.


MSU does not include: on-site visits; legacy data import services; designing, maintaining or updating a "data transformation", "view", "script", "application note" or other custom computer code or data specifically developed to meet your requirements or provided as an example; repair due to (a) application misuse or failure to follow practices described in our product documentation or as we advise you, (b) non-conformance of imported data, (c) using Microsoft Windows, SQL Server or other third-party products outside the manufacturer's supported hardware or recommended operating limits, or after its Mainstream Support has expired, or (d) data modification by software other than our own (e.g., integrations); any issue that the application does not report as an error and cannot be reliably reproduced on another computer; installation, configuration, maintenance, diagnostics or repair of third-party hardware or software, including Windows, .NET, and SQL Server; training third parties in our product's configuration or use; and other products or services that we have not specifically included. At our discretion, we may waive any of these limitations and exclusions on a case-by-case basis; in such case, our assistance is merely advisory and without warranty, and does not constitute a future obligation.

Development services§

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, our process for custom development services (e.g., transformations, database updates, data migration queries, command scripts) is:

  1. You provide your original specifications (the "expected result") in the form of

    • data sources, as shown in the client user interface or existing report (part number, revision, BOM quantity, etc.)
    • data types (text, number, date, true/false, etc.) for each output element, and required data formatting
    • custom attributes used (if any), with parent type and scheme
    • formulas or logic for each calculated element
    • output column header or label, and which column(s) are included in data sorting
    • row content (filter) criteria, such as a selected item or all items, pending and/or released items, home and/or partner items, etc.
    • PDXpert software release and SQL Server version — this is essential if you're not using the current PDXpert release or latest SQL Server version.

    Transform specifications normally include your mock-up of the export file or, if a printed report, the page layout including (where desired) fonts, headers/footers, margins, etc. Where configuration settings, data format or calculations are complex, you must include sufficient example data (as CSV import files or using a copy of your database) and test instructions for us to verify that our code conforms to the original specification.

    Similarly, database updates and command scripts must be specified in sufficient detail to (a) derive the underlying logic, and (b) validate the results.

    You may request our technical feedback to confirm that your specifications are complete, concise, correct, and within the capabilities of the system. For an additional service fee, we'll work directly with your user(s) to create the original specifications, mockup and/or example data for verification.

  2. After we receive your original specifications, we quote the work as per-hour or, where practical, a "not to exceed" price or a fixed price.

    If you have a current paid MSU service for your license, our quote includes an automatic 25% discount from standard development rates.

  3. We begin development after you issue a written authorization, such as purchase order or email acceptance. We may ask for changes if our development discovers ambiguity or inconsistency in the original specifications. We also can accept your revisions to the original specifications. Where changes are needed, we advise you of their effect on the project cost and schedule before proceeding.

  4. Upon our delivery, you agree to promptly test our code to verify that it meets the original specifications (with any agreed changes). Updates necessary to meet the original specifications (with any agreed changes) must be promptly requested within the Professional Services warranty period. Although we make reasonable efforts to develop efficient code, we do not warranty performance due to query complexity, database content, SQL Server edition, hardware resources, user activity, network availability/reliability, and other factors not within our control.

Item sales numbers§

If you are issuing a purchase order, you may refer to the following table to identify our product item numbers, or simply contact us for assistance.

  • nnn is the published user account discount level: 001, 003, 010, 030, 100, 300
  • pp is the available subscription period discount level: 06, 12
  • MSU refers to the annual "maintenance, support and updates" subscription for perpetual licenses.
Duration Access Number Item description Unit price
Perpetual Full-function 100-nnn PDXpert perpetual full-function license
For example, 16 full-function user accounts is part #100-010 @ quantity 16.
Perpetual license & MSU calculator
Annual Full-function 150-nnn PDXpert maintenance-support-updates full-function 1 year
For example, 16 subscriptions is part #150-010 @ quantity 16. In most cases, your MSU discount level and quantity will be the same as your full-feature perpetual license.
Perpetual license & MSU calculator
Perpetual Read-only 200-nnn PDXpert perpetual read-only license
For example, 7 RO user accounts is part #200-003 @ quantity 7.
Perpetual license & MSU calculator
Annual Read-only 250-nnn PDXpert maintenance-support-updates read-only 1 year
For example, 7 RO subscriptions is part #250-003 @ quantity 7. In most cases, your MSU discount level and quantity will be the same as your read-only perpetual license.
Perpetual license & MSU calculator
Subscription Full-function 5pp-nnn PDXpert user-month full-function license/xx month rate
For example, a 12-month subscription for 46 user accounts is part #512-030 @ quantity 46.
Subscription license calculator
Subscription Read-only 6pp-nnn PDXpert user-month license/read-only
For example, 23 RO user accounts with period identical to your full-function subscription (say 12 months) is part #612-010 @ quantity 23.
Subscription license calculator

Transaction process and related documentation§

In addition to the policies described on this page, all purchases are subject to the terms and conditions specified in our transaction documentation to the extent applicable to your specific purchase (e.g., a waiver for using the license with two servers). Pay particular attention to any terms or changes set forth therein. By paying an invoice, you accept any different or additional terms set forth therein.

Standard transactions§

Our standard commercial transaction documentation is provided in electronic form:

  • At your request: a formal sales quotation [Adobe PDF].
  • At your request: a US IRS W-9 form [Adobe PDF].
  • Our acknowledgement of your order.
  • Our invoice for your purchase to the authorized accounting contact(s) [Adobe PDF].
  • A license registration key file to the authorized technical representative(s) [email attachment]. This represents the product delivery.
  • At your request: ACH or wire transfer payment instructions.
  • Payment confirmation and, if not previously provided, a final license registration key.

Depending on the transaction, several documents may be combined in a single communication (e.g., order acknowledgement, license key and invoice).

We request sufficient information to service your account:

  • Purchase order or equivalent instructions issued by an authorized employee or agent.
  • List of authorized technical and business representative(s) who will receive our emails:

    • Technical contact(s) for software license keys, primary technical support, new release upgrade announcements, and similar product notices.
    • Purchase contact(s) for order confirmations and subscription renewal notices.
    • Accounting contact(s) for invoices and payment inquiries.

    We recommend that you provide at least two contacts (name, email address, phone).

  • Exemption certificate for tax-exempt organizations within Colorado.

Non-standard transactions§

Before issuing your purchase order: You must identify non-standard requirements or procedures that affect:

  • Transaction documentation. Special transaction documents may include customs declarations; tax and regulatory forms; endorsed, stamped, printed, mailed and/or couriered copies of transaction documents; use authorizations; and licensing or other certificates.
  • Vendor qualification & relationship management. Special requirements may include environmental, employment or regulatory compliance certifications; RFPs and procurement documentation; legal contracts; corporate good-standing certificates; or other information we must provide or actions we must perform prior to your order, or for subsequent transactions.
  • License key delivery. Any process that requires us to change our standard electronic delivery method or file format.
  • Invoice submission. Any process that requires us to change our standard electronic invoicing method or file format.
  • Payment processing. Any specific action or method that you require regarding how we receive, acknowledge or process your payment.

If accepted, non-standard requirements or procedures require additional processing service fees which we will quote, and which must be shown in your purchase order.

Order fulfillment§

All orders for software and supporting documentation are fulfilled electronically. Delivery consists of (1) a software license registration key provided under the terms specified on this page, and/or (2) imported data or other contracted services available via download, email, web meeting, or similar electronic communication. We do not offer our products on physical media, and you will need an Internet connection to obtain your software.

If you have a subscription license or subscribe to MSU, you'll receive email notices of upgrade software availability. Upgrades are available for download from our website at your convenience, and you may skip any upgrade without affecting your ability to accept future upgrades to which you're entitled.

Order cancellation§

You may increase, decrease or cancel a software license purchase without penalty at any time prior to our delivery of your first software license key. Upon our delivery of your first temporary license key, you have up to 30 days (or until we receive your payment, if earlier) to modify or cancel the transaction. After we receive your payment, and a paid final license key is issued, your software licenses and related maintenance, support and upgrade subscriptions cannot be canceled or refunded.

Should you wish to cancel previously-agreed professional services or customizations, you must notify us in writing (by fax, email, or regular mail). Upon receiving your cancellation, we agree to apply reasonable efforts to minimize the cost for winding up any in-process tasks. You will be invoiced for our actual time at standard or quoted rates (whichever is less), as well as for all travel, materials and other out-of-pocket expenses that we incur on your project.

U.S. Government Terms§

Use, duplication or disclosure by the United States Government (or any unit, agency or department thereof), is subject to the following provisions (or any applicable successor provisions) which, to the extent applicable, are incorporated by reference herein as if set forth in their entirety: (i) FAR 52.227.19(a) through (c); (ii) in the case of the Department of Defense, DFAR 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4; (iii) in the case of NASA, the NASA Supplement to the FAR at 18-52.227-86(d); and (iv) all other Federal laws and regulations that protect Licensor's rights in privately developed software.


  1. To assist your verification of the correct number of licensed named user accounts, please request our free Assessment and Compliance Toolkit. (KB15050801)

  2. Upon request, we can provide a separate license key for development and training purposes, renewable for each paid subscription period.

  3. To cover the cost of processing a credit or charge card transaction, and pursuant to section 5-2-212, Colorado Revised Statutes, a seller or lessor may impose a processing surcharge in an amount not to exceed the merchant discount fee that the seller or lessor incurs in processing the sales or lease transaction. A seller or lessor shall not impose a processing surcharge on payments made by use of cash, a check, or a debit card or redemption of a gift card.

    At our discretion, we may waive the processing surcharge on a case-by-case basis (e.g., for a small transaction); in such case, our waiver does not incur an obligation to waive future surcharges.

  4. See Colorado Revised Statutes, 39-26-102(15)(c)(I)(C) and the Colorado Department of Revenue, Taxpayer Service Division, Sales Tax Topics: Computer Software: Non-taxable software is that which is "transferred by remote telecommunications to the purchaser's computer, where the purchaser does not obtain possession of any tangible medium in the transaction."

  5. NSV: Necessary conditions (environment, application release, configuration settings, etc.) and sufficient instructions to reproduce the problem. These conditions and instructions must be verifiable by applying them to a correctly-working computer and observing the same error. Where error is related to specific data records, instructions must specify how to reproduce the data, or a copy of the database must be available for analysis.

The policies on this web page are effective as of 14 January 2023.

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