PDXpert 11.1 release notes (change history)

Published updates in the PDXpert 11.1 series software (all dates are UTC).

◄ PDXpert PLM 11.0  •  PDXpert PLM 11.2 ►

Before upgrading: Read all release notes published from your current release to this new release.

Microsoft considers .NET Framework 4.5.2, 4.6, and 4.6.1 not secure. You should immediately update Windows server and client machines to a more recent .NET version to receive updates and technical support. .NET Framework 4.6.2 and 4.8 are highly compatible in-place updates (replacements) for .NET 4.5.2, 4.6, and 4.6.1. Microsoft continues to issue security updates for .NET Framework 4.6.2 and later versions.

11.1.30966.2: 2016-08-23

This upgrade re-indexes the database and library. Before searching for items, allow time for the upgrade to finish re-indexing your item data. Administrators can monitor the re-indexing progress using Tools menu | Index Status... window.

New features and functions

  • A Data Transformations collection member can be written to accept an arbitrary number of items based on a list contained in a SQL table variable. More information. [b11218]

    After upgrading Test each Data Transformations collection member to ensure it works as expected. Previous SQL-based queries should not declare a @PLIST variable, which is now reserved by PDXpert. If necessary, rewrite conflicting declarations to avoid declaring your own @PLIST variable.

  • The PDXpert 10.0 and later databases are validated for use with all Microsoft SQL Server 2016 editions. System requirements updated. [b14334]

  • A Groups collection member may be added to the Observer lists in Change Forms collection members and change forms. [b15380]

  • Add new system search tags to indexed items (like part, change, file, originated). Categorize indexed values for new system search filters (such as class, number, type, description and trustee). Some filters recognize shortened versions (class:part or c:prt). [c30966]

Improvements to existing capabilities

  • Search accuracy improved by modifying scoring algorithms. [b14370]

    After upgrading Before searching for items, allow time for the upgrade to finish re-indexing your item data.

  • Improve internal data transformation structures. [c30768]

  • Improve client cache performance to compensate for high-latency or low-bandwidth WAN connections. [c30641-c30719]

  • Improve indexing throughput by about 80%, and reduce new queue rows after editing an item. [c30786 et seq]

  • All Files lists display dates using client local time, rather than UTC. [b14375]

  • Any analyst can now modify the named Analyst value while change form is in the Canceled state. [b14369]

  • Client displays the software license acceptance window when it's first installed, and doesn't require re-confirmation during subsequent upgrades. [c30890]

Maintenance fixes and changes

  • Display updated iteration on Sources and References lists where first-assigned iteration may be shown. [b14382]

  • When clicking on the arrow ? in a dropdown listbox control (e.g., Out of Office agent, custom attributes), an empty value is no longer replaced by the first non-empty value. [b15388]

  • Eliminate Windows handle resource constraint when displaying hundreds of rows in an item record's Appears On lists. Client log: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Not enough storage is available ... at System.Drawing.Icon.Initialize() [c30880]