
Collection Explorer Parts group Materials collection

Purpose §

Defines the materials and chemical substances that are used in your parts.

Where used §


Data fields §

General §

Name §
This is the complete name for the unique material or substance. A material is made up of one or more substances (e.g., copper alloy is a material, which in turn is made up of a number of specified substances, copper, nickel, silver, etc.). Substances are chemical elements and their compounds.
Description §
This gives the material or substance. If applicable, this is where you enter information about radioactivity: radioactivity isotope name and code, max activity level (MBq), typical activity level (MBq), etc.
CAS identifier §
If available, enter the Chemicals Abstract Service (CAS) number, ISO International Standards number or other reference identification of the material or substance.
Material category §
This dropdown list identifies the Material Category collection member. Reports can group materials by category, so that (for example) all ferrous metals are separated from non-ferrous metals.
Declaration category §
This categorizes the material's disclosure requirement as Level A, Level B, or None.
"Level A" materials and substances are subject to laws that:
  • Prohibit their use and/or marketing;
  • Limit their use and/or marketing; or
  • Require reporting, or has other regulatory implications.
"Level B" materials and substances:
  • Provide economic value for end-of-life management purposes;
  • Are of environmental, health, or safety interest;
  • Would trigger hazardous waste management requirements; and/or
  • Could have a negative impact on end-of-life management.
Reporting threshold §
This number represents the value that triggers reporting of the material. If the total material quantity exceeds this threshold for a particular item, then the material is included on the item's Material Declaration form.
For regulated (Level A) materials that require reporting when intentionally added, regardless of quantity, use "0" as the reporting threshold.
Select the appropriate ratiometric units, such as % (percent), ppm (parts per million), or ppb (parts per billion).
Active: users can select
Default member of collection
Permanent member of collection §
See the Managing collections: Common attributes help topic.

Material Constraints §

You can construct a list of all constraints (such as safety provisions or special handling considerations) that must be imposed on the material.

Setup §

The Batch Importer tool can import new Materials collection members.

Recording every material in each part can be tedious and time-consuming, and in many cases may prove unnecessary. You'll generally want to limit the list of materials to those that

  • Have legal rules or reporting requirements,
  • Affects health or safety, and/or
  • Impact end-of-life management.