PDXpert PLM Software
On-line Help Guide
This help topic describes the current PDXpert PLM release. Earlier releases may be different. To view your release's version of this topic, open PDXpert and press the F1 key or select the Help menu.
Part types
Collection Explorer ◢ Parts group ◢ Part Types collection
Other users should not be using the system while you're working. Close all item records in your workspace before you begin. close the PDXpert client and start it again when you've finished.
Purpose §
Classifies parts according to their application, and defines their rules and custom properties.
A part type defines unique business rules and behaviors. It's not useful as a part category or search tag because, once assigned to a part, it can never be changed (the part must be canceled and replaced). If you want a simple category or searchable tag, use the part name or a custom attribute.
Where used §
Data fields §
Some data fields show a character counter in the upper right of the box. This is helpful for editing a custom label, and for data that may be exported to other systems that limit imported text length.
General §
- Name §
- This is the complete name for the part type.
- Display name §
- This is the name that is shown in lists and reports to save space. It should be as short as possible, preferably fewer than 10 characters.
- Description §
- This gives the part type and its function.
The following four checkboxes show or hide data lists on a part record. After making parts while a list is enabled, don't hide the list. Hiding the list does not delete any data on the part. A part's Appears On lists may identify parent items where the part is used, but hidden.
- Show Materials list §
When this checkbox is marked, the Materials information is visible. Materials (chemical substances) can be added to the part.
The Part mass (weight) is available only when the Materials page is shown.
- Show BOM list §
- When this checkbox is marked, the BOM lists are visible. Component parts can be added to the part.
- Show Sources list §
- When this checkbox is marked, the Sources lists are visible. Approved manufacturer sources can be added to the part.
- Show Files list §
When this checkbox is marked, the Files lists are visible. Revision files, item files and external links can be added to the part.
If any files have been attached to parts, and then this checkbox is cleared, the Files lists—and attached files—are hidden. The files are not deleted. To ensure visibility and access, this checkbox must remain marked after it is set.
- Active: users can select
Default member of collection
Permanent member of collection § - See the Managing collections: Common attributes help topic.
Attributes §
- Item number §
Use these settings to assign the part's Number value.
- Identifier sequence §
- This dropdown list lets you select an identifier sequence (number generator) for the part type. You can choose a single number sequence for all part types, or you can designate a separate sequence just for electrical components, a different one for mechanical components, etc. The selections for this are managed in the Sequences: Identifier collection.
- User cannot edit assigned number §
When this checkbox is marked, a new part identifier cannot be modified after it is set. When this checkbox is cleared, the creator/trustee can (a) manually enter an identifier and/or (b) request a new identifier string and edit it after the system sets it.
See note at Administrator Override command.
- Revision/version §
These settings define rules for the part's Revision and Version.
- Initial revision sequence §
This lets you specify the revision format for the part type. The selections for this are managed in the Sequences: Revision collection.
- Subsequent revision sequence §
This lets you specify a production revision format that's different from the initial revision sequence.
When an item moves to a lifecycle with relative maturity value of 0 or greater (for instance, Production or Service), the subsequent revision sequence format is used.
If one revision format is used for the entire part lifecycle, leave this field empty so that the initial revision continues into production.
Using a subsequent revision sequence may confuse vendors and employees with unnecessary data changes. Instead of changing the revision when the part's maturity has changed, rely on the lifecycle phase to specify when it's ready for production.
- Warn on duplicate revision §
When this is marked, a warning is shown if the pending iteration's revision identifier has been used for an earlier revision. Setting this encourages users to assign a unique revision value for all item iterations, even when there's no change to the technical content – for example, the lifecycle has changed.
- User cannot edit assigned revision §
This checkbox sets whether users can modify the revision given by the system, or whether the value is permanent.
Let users edit revisions to items owned by partner organizations, since the item revision is not controlled within PDXpert.
- Show Version field §
When this checkbox is marked, the version attribute is shown on the part window, in lists and on reports. When this checkbox is cleared, the version attribute is hidden.
The item's Revision area expands when this field is not shown.
A part typically won't have versions. However, if the part type is closely related to an electronic file (for instance, it is a masked ROM), and that file is identified by version, you may want to enable the version field for the related part type.
Keep in mind that if a part number has multiple versions, all versions may be put into a single inventory bin and freely mixed in production. If versions are not interchangeable, give each version its own unique part number.
- Default lifecycle phase §
The selected Item Lifecycle Phase collection member is used when a new part is made.
Purchased parts and their manufacturer sources are always set at Production lifecycle. You cannot alter a source part's technical content, but must accept or disqualify the content offered by the manufacturer.
- Show a Person #1 role §
Marking the checkbox lets users identify a person with some responsibility for the part. Each new part iteration can show a different person. For example, you may want trustees to identify the designer responsible for the part.
If this checkbox is cleared, then the person #1 dropdown list isn't shown on the part window.
These Person #1 / #2 controls are useful if your company has adopted the Institute for the Process Excellence (ipxhq.com) change management process.
Each item is the exclusive responsibility of the item's (1) creator-designer, and (2) consumer-user-implementer (for example, the design engineer and the production supervisor). The goal is that if these two people agree, no others are needed to approve changes, eliminating non-essential change reviewers. These persons are identified for each new iteration.
Maintaining this data can be somewhat burdensome in practice, so consider enabling these fields only for selected types. Reviewing groups can also be limited using the change workflow.
- Person #1 role label §
- This textbox shows the person's function. For example, you can use Designer or Specified by as the label on the part window.
- Show a Person #2 role §
Marking the checkbox lets users identify a person with some responsibility for the part. Each new part iteration can show a different person. For example, you may want trustees to identify the part's production user or field service engineer.
If this checkbox is cleared, then the person #2 dropdown list isn't shown on the part window.
- Person #2 role label §
This textbox shows the person's function. For example, you can use Prototyped by or Validated by as the label on the part window.
The item's Release description area expands when both Person #1 and Person #2 fields are not shown.
- Default unit of measure §
- The selected Unit of Measure collection member is used when a new part is made.
- Default make/buy §
- The selected Make/Buy Category collection member is used when a new part is made.
- User cannot edit assigned make/buy value §
- When this checkbox is marked, the value given by the Default make/buy (above) cannot be modified. For example, standard purchased components will typically be marked (since it's very likely that, say, a standard machine screw will always be bought), while custom fabrications and in-house assemblies will typically be cleared to enable outsourcing.
- Show compliance checkbox §
For parts that are subject to regulatory requirements, show a checkbox that tells whether the part is in compliance.
- Compliance label §
This textbox lets you label the compliance standard(s) that must be met by parts based on this type. You can leave it rather generic, such as Meets regulatory requirements or more specific to the part type, such as Meets RoHS/WEEE regulations.
- Part name template §
When a new part is first made, the part's Name (description) field will automatically be loaded with this text value, which the user can then edit. Defining a useful part name template enhances consistency, which makes items easier to locate.
Suggest information that the user should enter as [hint], such as [power rating]. Consistent part names are more predictable, and easier to search.
A text template can include custom attribute names as {custom attribute name}. After making a new part record, clicking the button replaces the custom attribute's name with its actual value. For example, a custom attribute named Length, with an actual value of 50 mm, can be inserted using a text template like SCREW, {Length} {Length++@U}, PLATED to obtain a part name SCREW, 50 MM, PLATED. See the Custom attributes: Inserting custom attribute values into an item name help topic.
Custom list §
You can define custom attributes (or "properties" or "extensions") to the system-supplied attributes for each part type. When a new part is made, any custom attributes are shown on the part's Custom page.
Before working with custom attributes, refer to the Custom attributes help topic for important information.
Setup §
Limit the number of part types to broad easily-distinguished categories. Your users shouldn't have to puzzle over whether to categorize a machine screw as hardware or a fastener, or an LED as a diode or a display device.
Part types should be used to make computer searches easier with distinct names and abbreviations. For example, let users search for the Assembly part type using a simpler abbreviation like Assy.
- 0001. Welcome!
- 0002. Help styles
- 0100. PDXpert Application Server
- 0101. Server overview
- 0200. How to...
- 0300. Console reference
- 0301. Manage
- 0302. Information
- 0303. About
- 0400. How to start the PDXpert client
- 0401. Log into PDXpert
- 0402. Enter the software license key
- 0403. Solve client problems
- 0404. Set your password
- 0500. PDXpert introduction
- 0501. PLM summary
- 0502. Item identification
- 0503. Item iterations
- 0504. Item: Document
- 0505. Item: Part
- 0506. Item: Change form
- 0507. File attachments
- 0508. User roles & permissions
- 0600. How to set up PDXpert
- 0601. Setup introduction
- 0602. Setup: System rules
- 0603. Setup: Collections
- 0604. Setup: Places/Organizations/Persons
- 0605. Setup: General
- 0606. Setup: Documents
- 0607. Setup: Parts
- 0608. Setup: Changes
- 0700. How to use the Item Explorer
- 0701. Item Explorer
- 0702. Make a new item
- 0703. Search for items
- 0704. Use search commands
- 0705. Recent items
- 0706. Files in work
- 0707. Tasks open
- 0708. Open an item related to another item
- 0800. How to use the Collection Explorer
- 0801. View a collection
- 0802. Add a new collection member
- 0803. Modify a collection member
- 0804. Remove a collection member
- 0900. How to work with documents
- 0901. How to work with documents
- 1000. How to start a document
- 1001. Make a new document
- 1002. Snapshot a document
- 1003. Fill in the new document
- 1004. Add or remove references
- 1005. Start and update a task
- 1006. Save your document
- 1007. Remove your document
- 1008. Release your document
- 1009. Manage a released document
- 1010. Revise a released document
- 1011. Cancel a released document
- 1100. How to work with parts
- 1101. How to work with parts
- 1200. How to start a part
- 1201. Make a new part
- 1202. Snapshot a part
- 1203. Fill in the new part
- 1204. Add, modify or remove BOM parts
- 1205. Import a CAD BOM
- 1206. Add or remove approved sources
- 1207. Add or remove references
- 1208. Add or remove materials
- 1209. Start and update a task
- 1210. Save your part
- 1211. Remove your part
- 1212. Release your part
- 1213. Revise a released part
- 1214. Manage a released part
- 1215. Cancel a released part
- 1300. How to revise multiple markups
- 1301. Use Markup Wizard
- 1302. Add child items
- 1303. Replace a child item
- 1304. Remove child items
- 1400. How to work with change forms
- 1401. Processing a change
- 1500. How to start a change form
- 1501. Originate a new change form
- 1502. Snapshot a change form
- 1503. Start and update a task
- 1504. Analyze a submitted change
- 1505. Fix change form routing errors
- 1506. Remove your change form
- 1507. Review a routed change
- 1508. Resolve an on-hold change
- 1509. Analyze an accepted change
- 1510. Use a released change
- 1511. View a completed change
- 1512. Analyze a stopped change
- 1513. View a rejected change
- 1514. Remove a canceled change
- 1515. Return a submitted change
- 1600. How to work with file attachments
- 1601. Attach a revision file
- 1602. Attach an item file
- 1603. Attach an external link
- 1604. Viewing a file
- 1605. Copy a file
- 1606. Check out a file
- 1607. Check in a file
- 1608. Free a file lock
- 1609. Remove a revision file
- 1610. Remove item file or link
- 1700. How to report, import & export
- 1701. Run a report
- 1702. Export a PDX package
- 1703. Use the DataGrid
- 1704. Use the Report/Export Wizard
- 1800. Import & update items
- 1801. Use the Batch Importer
- 1802. Item Master import
- 1803. Iteration-level relational imports
- 1804. Bill of materials import
- 1805. References import
- 1806. Revision files import
- 1807. Sources import
- 1808. Item-level relational imports
- 1809. Item files & links import
- 1810. Item materials import
- 1811. Item product families import
- 1812. Groups collection import
- 1813. Materials collection import
- 1814. Organizations collection import
- 1815. Product families collection import
- 1816. Persons collection import
- 1817. Custom collection import
- 1900. View & export via ODBC
- 1901. View database objects
- 1902. Create an ODBC connection
- 1903. ItemViews reference
- 1904. ReferencePairViews reference
- 1905. SourcePairViews reference
- 1906. SourceItemMasterView reference
- 1907. StructurePairViews reference
- 1908. ChangeViews reference
- 1909. ChangePairViews reference
- 1910. FilePairMasterView reference
- 2000. How to do other tasks
- 2001. Adjust your user settings
- 2002. Arrange the Explorer windows
- 2003. Get technical help
- 2004. Manage user accounts
- 2005. Manage system emails
- 2006. Use Administrator Override
- 2007. Check index status
- 2008. Use the Recursion Assistant
- 2100. Menu reference
- 2101. Item menu
- 2102. Edit menu
- 2103. Tools menu
- 2104. Process menu
- 2105. Window menu
- 2106. Help menu
- 2200. Document reference
- 2201. Document summary
- 2202. General
- 2203. Attributes
- 2204. Custom
- 2205. References
- 2206. Appears On
- 2207. Files
- 2208. Tasks
- 2209. Notes
- 2300. Part reference
- 2301. Part summary
- 2302. General
- 2303. Attributes
- 2304. Custom
- 2305. Materials
- 2306. BOM (Bill of Materials)
- 2307. Sources
- 2308. References
- 2309. Appears On
- 2310. Files
- 2311. Tasks
- 2312. Notes
- 2400. Change Form reference
- 2500. System Rules reference
- 2501. System Rules tool
- 2502. General: Copy files to snapshot
- 2503. General: Copy previous tasks
- 2504. General: Item uniqueness definition
- 2505. General: Reviewer comment required
- 2506. General: Unlock change form Files (rule)
- 2507. General: Unlock change form Tasks (rule)
- 2508. Password Policy
- 2509. References Tabs
- 2510. BOM: Limit part to one row
- 2511. BOM: Lock part unit of measure
- 2512. BOM: Allow partner parts
- 2600. Collections reference
- 2601. Managing collections
- 2602. Custom attributes
- 2700. Places/Organizations/Persons
- 2701. Languages
- 2702. Currencies
- 2703. Countries
- 2704. Partner classifications
- 2705. Roles
- 2706. Persons
- 2707. Groups
- 2708. Organizations
- 2800. General
- 2801. Item lifecycle phases
- 2802. Product families
- 2803. Sequences: Identifier
- 2804. Sequences: Revision
- 2805. Unit of Measure categories
- 2806. Units of Measure (UoM)
- 2807. Transforms
- 2900. Documents
- 2901. Media/locations
- 2902. Document types
- 3000. Parts
- 3001. BOM type codes
- 3002. Handling/storage categories
- 3003. Make/buy categories
- 3004. Material categories
- 3005. Material constraints
- 3006. Materials
- 3007. Recovery methods
- 3008. Part types
- 3100. Changes
- 3101. Change classifications
- 3102. Change priorities
- 3103. Change reasons
- 3104. Disposition actions
- 3105. Disposition locations
- 3106. Problem sources
- 3107. Change forms
- 3108. Custom collections
- 3200. Other reference topics
- 3201. Keyboard shortcuts
- 3202. PLM software glossary
- 3203. Windows update service
- 3300. Software licenses & legal notices
- 3301. PDXpert license agreement
- 3302. PDXpert end user license terms
- 3303. Other software licenses
- 3304. Legal notices