Organizations collection import

The import file adds or updates the Organizations collection members. Existing database records that link to an updated collection member show the updated information.

Each row in the import file represents one organization record with name, contact details and classifications.

The Batch Importer tool can generate a CSV template file, which can be used to import your data. Select Collection: Organizations from the dropdown list, click the Export button, and save the file to a convenient location.

If your data doesn't have DisplayName values, leave the value empty to let the importer create the first set. If you want to improve on the calculated values, export the collection members, edit any of the calculated values, and import the updated file with the final values.

Column name Data type Value if empty Description
Name string row is skipped REQUIRED: This is the name of the company, agency or other organization. If the value is empty, the row is not imported. If the Name value cannot be matched to a collection member, then a new collection member is added; otherwise, the matching collection member's properties are updated.
DisplayName string up to 10 characters Organization's abbreviation or acronym. When empty, an abbreviation is calculated from the Name value.
DUNS string no value Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S nine-digit identification identifier.
DUNS4 string no value D&B issues a 13-digit (9+4) value that identifies the organization and its geographic location.
Language Languages default member The organization's preferred language for communications. Use the Languages member's Name value in this column. If the value is empty, then the default collection member (e.g., English) is used as the record's selection.
PartnerClassification Partner Classifications default member The organization's relationship to your own organization. Use the Partner Classifications member's Name value in this column. If the value is empty, then the default collection member (e.g., Manufacturer) is used as the record's selection.
CurrencyShort Currencies default member This is the organization's preferred currency. Use the Currencies member's Currency code value in this column. If the value is empty, then the default collection member (e.g., USD) is used as the record's selection.
URL string no value The organization's home page or intranet page.
POBox string no value Post office box number.
Street string no value Physical street address.
City string no value City.
Region string no value State, province or similar area.
PostalCode string no value ZIP, PIN or similar post code. See note 1.
Country Countries default member Use the Countries collection member's Name value in this column. If the value is empty, then the default collection member (e.g., United States of America) is used as the record's selection.
EmailPrimary string no value Primary email address (email 1).
EmailSecondary string no value Secondary email address or IM/chat identifier (email 2).
PhoneMain string no value Main office phone number (phone 1).
PhoneFax string no value Facsimile phone number (phone 2).
PhoneAlternate string no value Alternate/mobile phone number (phone 3).
PhoneEmergency string no value Emergency/pager phone number (phone 4).
Notes string no value Miscellaneous information.


  1. Do not update this value for the home (default) organization. It is specified in the software license key. Differences during import may disable your license. Use the Tools ➔ Software License Key… menu to import a new license with the correct postal code.