Make a new part

Any user who is given a role with appropriate permissions can make a new part record and its first iteration.

There are two options for creating a new part record.

  • On the Item Explorer's New tab, scroll through the list of available part types. Click on the appropriate row to create a new part record of the specified type.

  • From the Item menu, select the Create Part line. (Or, press your keyboard's F10 key.) A wizard will open, and walk you through the steps necessary to create the basic attributes for your new part record. Although the home organization is the default, you can choose a partner organization.

    The content of a home part is controlled by your organization: you specify the part number, the item description, the technical specifications, when it's released and when it's revised. A partner part is where these elements are designed and controlled by a different organization, and your organization simply references that part for your own purposes.

    If you begin typing an organization's name into the control, the list is filtered.

Complete your new part: