Export a PDX package

A Product Data eXchange, or PDX, package is a compressed file that contains parts, multi-level BOMs, approved supplier sources, reference documents and similar design data, as well as related file attachments. PDXpert exports PDX files in accordance with the IPC-2571 and IPC-2578 standards (www.ipc.org).

The server computer builds a PDX package, then sends it to your client computer. The IPC-2570 standard specifies a maximum size of 4GB, before compression (PDXpert offers an option for much larger packages). For large PDX packages, server and client computers should have at least 8GB of memory, and 16GB of free disk space.

A simple part record can have a few hundred IPC-2570 XML elements; a very large product may have over a hundred thousand elements (plus file attachments). Creating the package can take much longer than a multi-level BOM or pick list report. ERP/MES/MRP importers, PDX viewers, and other tools may take a while to open a large package. Consider excluding large or complex elements from the package (e.g., files, custom attributes, dispositioning), or export smaller subassemblies.

Invalid text characters that are pasted or imported into item records can cause problems when creating and reading PDX XML packages. For different types of data, the PDX exporter may:

  • remove selected whitespace characters (HT VT FF NBSP NEL), or replace them with a space (SP);

  • in single-line text, remove LF and CR end-of-line characters, or replace them with a space (SP), and delete leading and trailing spaces;

  • in multi-line text, replace Linux/MacOS end-of-line characters with the Windows standard (CRLF); and

  • remove all other characters in 0x0000–0x001F and 0x007F–0x009F ranges.

Exporting a PDX package §

To export a PDX package:

  1. Select an open item form, open the context menu, and select the PDX package icon Export PDX Package command.

    To open the context menu: Move the mouse over a part, document or change form and click the secondary (usually right) mouse button.

  2. In the Export PDX Package dialog:

    • Select the PDX export settings from the dropdown list at the bottom of the window, in the center.

    • You can override the selected export settings as desired using the lists and checkboxes shown in the General, Documents and other tab pages.

  3. Click the Export button: move to the desired folder, accept or edit the suggested file name, and click the Save button to save the PDX package file.

    Or, click the Cancel button to cancel the export and return to the item record.

A PDX package viewer application enables users to open and browse PDX packages, and extract file attachments. Some manufacturing (MRP/ERP) systems can import part and BOM data from a PDX package.

The PDXplorer PDX Viewer is available for free download at www.pdxplorer.com

Export settings reference §

Settings §

These settings control the IPC-2570 attributes that are included in the PDX package. Each page describes one of the IPC-2570 elements that can be changed.

When you hold the mouse pointer over a settings checkbox, text box or other setting control, the pop-up hint may show the attribute's path name:action, such as PDXPackage.StdAttr.originatedByContactName:Load. Refer to the Transforms collection help topic for information about key-value pairs.

Settings page Package §

The ProductDataeXchangePackage element is the root of the PDX package. These settings manage selected attributes and behaviors.

Include standard 'originatedByContactName', or this §

When the checkbox is marked, the PDX package includes the ProductDataeXchangePackage element's originatedByContactName attribute. The attribute value is the textbox contents or, if empty, the name of the person who exported the package.

When the checkbox is cleared, the originatedByContactName attribute is not included in the package.

Include standard 'thisDocumentCopyright', or this §

When the checkbox is marked, the PDX package includes the thisDocumentCopyright attribute. The attribute value is the textbox contents or, if empty, the Contact where isTopLevel="Yes" is shown as the package copyright holder.

When the checkbox is cleared, the thisDocumentCopyright attribute is not included in the package.

Include a 'description' as this §

When the checkbox is marked, the PDX package includes the description attribute. The attribute value is the textbox contents or, if empty, no attribute value (there is no default value).

When the checkbox is cleared, the description attribute is not included in the package.

Sign the PDX.XML file (extension to IPC) §

When the checkbox is marked, the PDX package is cryptographically signed. The package signature can be used to show the package contents have not been altered after it is exported. The signature can be read and verified by PDXplorer.

When the checkbox is cleared, the PDX package does not contain a cryptographic signature, and will be compatible with most PDX package viewing and importing tools.

This is a non-standard extension to the IPC-2570 specifications. Standard PDX package viewing and importing tools (including older PDXplorer releases) may simply ignore the signature; export an unsigned package for those that do not. Tools that compare the pdx.xml Attachment entries to the package's actual files may show the hidden PDXXML-{id}.sig signature file as an extra attachment.

To enable PDX package cryptographic signing, your PDXpert software license key contains a unique digital signing certificate. This signing certificate periodically expires and must be renewed through an active maintenance, support, and upgrade subscription.

For technical information about the PDXpert cryptographic signature, search the web for PDXpert package cryptographic signing

Allow more than 4GB of files (extension to IPC) §

When the checkbox is marked, the PDX package is compressed using the ZIP64 algorithm. This can export a package limited almost entirely by available disk space and the network's ability to move it. The package can be read by PDXplorer, starting with 6.0 release.

When the checkbox is cleared, the package remains within the limits of the IPC-specified 32-bit compression algorithms. Packages with large attachment sizes (totaling more than 4GB) or high counts (more than 65535 files) may not be exported.

This is a non-standard extension to the IPC-2570 specifications. Some PDX readers/importers may not open large packages.

PDX packages with more than a few gigabytes are often difficult to save, transfer, open, and archive. Use the attachment filter settings (see next section) to exclude large disk images, videos, CAD models, and similar files from the package. Save and send very large files separately.

Settings pages Documents Parts Manufacturer Parts §

This page manages attributes exported from a part or document record. The PDX package is identified as: ProductDataeXchangePackage packageType="Manufacture"

The item's Class and Owner determines its IPC-2578 element, and which settings page manages its attributes.

  • All document records are assigned to the Item element with itemClassification="Document". The Documents page manages these records.

  • All home part records are assigned to the Item element with itemClassification="Part", and are managed on the Parts settings page.

  • All partner part records are assigned to the ManufacturerPart element. These are managed on the Manufacturer Parts settings page.

A PDXpert item record's Part type or Document type (globalProductTypeCode) does not affect which settings page is used to manage the item.

To learn how PDXpert objects are mapped to the IPC-2570 specification, search the web for PDXpert IPC-2570 technical notes

Include all Document Types
Exclude all Document Types unless top level
Include marked Document Types or top level
Exclude marked Document Types unless top level

Include all Part Types
Exclude all Part Types unless top level
Include marked Part Types or top level
Exclude marked Part Types unless top level

This dropdown list sets which Part Types or Document Types are included in the package.

When the list selections show … marked … instead of … all …, then use the checkbox list to select the item types to include or exclude.

The part or document that you're exporting is automatically marked as the top-level item (isTopLevel="Yes"), and is always included in the package. Use the Mark All or Clear All buttons to adjust all types in the list.

A PDX package transfers parts and their supporting data to manufacturing. Excluding parts (and related documents) from the package can have unexpected results. PDX readers rely on complete part relationships for navigation and for accurately representing the included items. Where these relationships are essential, an Item element may be only partially excluded when it's a parent to other Item elements.

For example, excluding an Assembly part type in a multi-level structure collects all items, then deletes any lower-level Assembly parts. This leaves all components in the package, but without their parent subassemblies (similar to a Pick List report). Although the subassembly parts are gone, summary subassembly data (such as part number, type, description) may remain on related parts.

PDXplorer and other PDX viewers often calculate relationships after reading the package, but cannot do this from partial data. For example, the top Assembly may show subassembly summaries, but a multi-level BOM tree cannot be calculated without the full subassembly relationships.

Excluding a limited set of items works well in simple PDX packages. Packages with multi-level BOMs should limit filtering to standard attributes, custom attributes, and files/links.

Include these standard attributes §

Each setting is applied to all items that are affected by the current settings page.

Include these custom attributes §

Each setting is applied to all items that are affected by the current settings page. This list includes all custom attributes across all types. Not all types will have the same custom attributes. Use the Mark All or Clear All buttons to adjust all attributes in the list.

Include all Revision Files (isFileIn=Yes)
Include all Revision Files as summary (isFileIn=No)
Include all Revision Files, with these (pdf,txt,…) as summary
Include these Revision Files (pdf,txt,…)
Exclude all Revision Files
Exclude these Revision Files (pdf,txt,…)

Include all Item Files (isFileIn=Yes)
Include all Item Files as summary (isFileIn=No)
Include all Item Files, with these (pdf,txt,…) as summary
Include these Item Files (pdf,txt,…)
Exclude all Item Files
Exclude these Item Files (pdf,txt,…)

Physical file attachments can be included in the package; or only described (…as summary), or excluded entirely.

By selecting an option using …these…, you can define a list of files by their extension. Use a comma between each file extension, and do not include the "dot" separator: pdf,txt,png and not .pdf,.txt,.png Do not use wildcard characters like ? or *.

Item files are not often included, or included …as summary, because they are not revision-controlled requirements. Very large revision files, such as .iso disk images or media, can be excluded to avoid PDX packages larger than 4GB.

External web links like https://example.com/price are copied from each record's Files: Item Files list. The setting is applied to all items that are affected by the current settings page.

Settings page Change §

This page manages attributes exported from the currently-selected change form. The PDX package is identified as: ProductDataeXchangePackage packageType="ChangeNotification"

This settings page is not shown for the Manufacture package type.

Include these standard attributes §

Each setting is applied to selected change form.

Include these custom attributes §

Each setting is applied to selected change form. This list includes all custom attributes across all change form types. Not all change types will have the same custom attributes. Use the Mark All or Clear All buttons to adjust all attributes in the list.

Revision files on Affected items:
Include all Revision Files (isFileIn=Yes)
Include all Revision Files as summary (isFileIn=No)
Include all Revision Files, with these (pdf,txt,…) as summary
Include these Revision Files (pdf,txt,…)
Exclude all Revision Files
Exclude these Revision Files (pdf,txt,…)

These settings manage revision files that are attached to affected items listed on the change form. The files are identified as "markup" elements (IPC AttachmentMarkup). All affected items' revision files that have been added, removed or replaced – as well as those that have not changed – are listed in the markups. Other parts and documents in the package that have not been revised include only their current file attachments as specified on the other settings pages.

Physical file attachments can be included in the package; or only described (…as summary), or excluded entirely.

By selecting an option using …these…, you can define a list of files by their extension. Use a comma between each file extension, and do not include the "dot" separator: pdf,txt,png and not .pdf,.txt,.png Do not use wildcard characters like ? or *.

Item files and links on Change form:
Include all Item Files (isFileIn=Yes)
Include all Item Files as summary (isFileIn=No)
Include all Item Files, with these (pdf,txt,…) as summary
Include these Item Files (pdf,txt,…)
Exclude all Item Files
Exclude these Item Files (pdf,txt,…)

The selected change form's Files list can be included in the package; or only described (…as summary), or excluded entirely.

By selecting an option using …these…, you can define a list of files by their extension. Use a comma between each file extension, and do not include the "dot" separator: pdf,txt,png and not .pdf,.txt,.png Do not use wildcard characters like ? or *.

Very large revision files, such as .iso disk images or media, can be excluded to avoid PDX packages larger than 4GB.

External web links like https://example.com/share are copied from the selected change form's Files list.

Actions §

Save As… §

This button exports the current package settings as a file. The file content can be used to create or updated a Transforms collection member. See the Create a PDX export transform help topic.

After the transform is saved, when the Export PDX Package dialog is next opened, the transform is shown in the Select PDX starting values dropdown list.

Select PDX starting values §

The — PDX Standard Package — exports a standard set of attributes and their default values. Other export settings may be available from active PDXExport members of the Transforms collection.

Selecting a new value from the dropdown list copies the selected transform's starting values into the Settings control.

All values in the settings pages are immediately replaced with the new settings, and cannot be undone.

Export §

This button exports the PDX package that's defined by the current settings.

Cancel §

Click this button to close the window without exporting a PDX package.

IPC-2570 rules and effects §

This section summarizes some of the PDX package limitations. The PDXpert website tells what data is included in a PDX package, as well as technical limits of the PDX format. Search the web for PDXpert IPC-2570 technical notes

The IPC standards expect that the home organization owns all assemblies and their BOM parts, and that partner items need very few attributes. Thus, a PDX package may affect how non-conforming data is exported.

  • An Item (a home organization part) can have a BOM and sources, but a ManufacturerPart (a partner organization part) cannot. A partner part with a BOM includes its BOM components, but not the BOM structure.
  • Exporting an assembly owned by a partner organization may fail. Multi-level partner BOMs will almost always fail.
  • The PDX standard says that only a (home) Item can have a BillOfMaterial, and a BillOfMaterialItem must refer to a (home) Item. A ManufacturerPart cannot have a BillOfMaterial, ApprovedManufacturerList or AdditionalAttributes for PDXpert.References list.
  • The PDX package defines the BOM as the only multi-level recursive structure. At each BOM node, the child part may have a BOM list, a Sources list and a References list. The node part's BOM is followed recursively, while only the first-level items are included from the part's Sources and References lists. This means that a PDX package cannot describe Sources on Sources, References on References, Sources on References, or References on Sources. Avoid these relationships in your product structures. If you require these arrangements, then you must export these nodes as separate PDX packages.