Custom collection import

The import file adds or updates custom collection members. Existing database records that link to an updated collection member show the updated information.

Each row in the import file represents a custom collection member record that's added to an existing custom collection.

The Batch Importer tool can generate a CSV template file, which can be used to import your data. Select Collection: Custom Members from the dropdown list, click the Export button, and save the file to a convenient location.

Column name Data type Value if empty Description
CollectionName string row is skipped REQUIRED: If the value is empty or the Custom collection does not exist, then the row is not imported. Otherwise, this row is matched to an existing custom collection.
Name string row is skipped REQUIRED: If the value is empty, the row is not imported. If the collection member exists, then the collection member's Abbreviation and Description fields are updated. Otherwise, a new member is added. See note 1.
Abbreviation string no value This value is imported into the collection member's Abbreviation field.
Description string no value This value is imported into the collection member's Description field.


  1. If the custom collection has no members, then the first data row in the import file is used as the default member of the collection. This can be edited after the import.