Set your password

When your system administrator adds your account, you'll receive a temporary password that you can use to enter the program. However, the system administrator doesn't control your password—you do. You can modify your password at any time by providing a new password in the Set Password dialog. When you change your password, only you know what it is. The system administrator can never view a password that you've made. However, if you forget your password, the system administrator can provide a different temporary password.

The administrator may let you have a blank password. That is, when you sign into the program you only need to provide your user name. This may be OK if the program is installed on your local computer, and if your company does not require user security. As a general rule, though, you should make a user password to ensure that unauthorized people do not get into your system, and so that other authorized users do not accidentally use your logon account for their own activities.

At the top of the window, the checkmarks show required password properties.

  1. Open the Tools menu and select Passwords...

  2. In the Set Password dialog, enter your old password in the Previous account (log-in) password textbox. (If your old password is blank, do not type anything into this textbox).

  3. In the New account password section, type your new password into the New account (log-in) password textbox.

    Passwords are case-sensitive, so "SecretWord", "secretword" and "SECRETWORD" are all different.

    If your administrator allows a blank password, and you want to clear your current password, then enter a space character to confirm your intent. This enables the OK button.

  4. Confirm your new password by again typing it into the Confirm new account (log-in) password textbox. Remember to type it exactly the same as you typed it in the previous step, including the same upper- and lower-case letters.

  5. If your system administrator requires a different password for change form approvals, enter that password in the New approval password textboxes. You cannot use the same password as you entered for the log-in password. If your administrator lets you use your log-in password for approvals, then these textboxes are unavailable.

  6. Click on the OK button.

    The OK button is disabled until you have entered the minimum number and type of characters specified by your system administrator.