Remove your part

You can remove (delete) a pending part iteration from the database if it's not used by another document, part or change form. You can never remove a released or canceled iteration.

  • If there's only one iteration of the part, then removing the iteration deletes the entire part record from the database.
  • If there's more than one iteration of the part, then only the pending iteration is removed. Any released or canceled iteration remains in the database.

If you are the part iteration's trustee or a part analyst, then you can remove the part iteration only while it's at the Pending release state.

If a part has no released iteration, and it shows on a pending item's References, BOM or Sources list, then it's blocked from deletion. You can remove the part from the system only after you edit these lists to remove the part. Pending iterations on a change form's Affected list must always be deleted from the change form before they can be removed from the system.

To remove a pending part record:

  1. Open the part. If it's open, select it to that you can view it.

  2. On the Item menu, select the Remove Object command.

    The Remove Object command is applied to the active window. Do not select any other window. You cannot undo this command.