
Collection Explorer Places/Organization/Persons group Organizations collection

Purpose §

Identifies your organization as well as the suppliers, customers, regulatory agencies and other entities that interact with it or that affect your products.

By design, the home organization is permanent, default and active, and is the licensee of this PDXpert instance. You cannot delete the home organization.

Where used §

Documents, parts, persons (employees)

Data fields §

General §

Name §

This is the name of the company, agency or other organization. It should be different from all other organization names.

This value is locked for the home organization. You can only change its value in the Software License Key tool, which can be opened by double-clicking on the Name field or by selecting Software License Key from the Tools menu. If you're using a Registered license with a Registration key, you must request a new license key file with the correct Organization name.

You may need to close the PDXpert client and start it again to see license changes in the Organizations member.

Display name §
Use the organization's abbreviation for this value. It should be different from all other organization abbreviations, and no more than about 10 characters. It's used extensively throughout PDXpert to identify the organizations responsible for writing and managing documents as well as designing and manufacturing parts. For other uses, see Color-coded environments, below.
D-U-N-S number §
The D&B D-U-N-S Number is a unique nine-digit identification sequence, which provides unique identifiers of single business entities, while linking corporate family structures together. It is recognized and/or required by many government, industry standards bodies and trade associations, including ANSI, the United Nations, the U.S. Federal Government and the European Commission.
D-U-N-S+4 §
This 13-digit (9+4) value specifies the organization and its geographic location. In non-IPC environments, you may prefer to use this for the EAN.UCC 13-digit Global Location Number.
Language §
This is the organization's preferred language for communications. Most documents, part descriptions and changes are written in this language. You can select from active members of the languages collection.
Partner classification §
You can classify the organization and its relationship to your own organization, which may be important to other parties who exchange product design data with you. (See the Partner classifications topic for more information.)
Currency §
This is the organization's preferred currency. For instance, when a part is given a cost, this currency is used unless overridden.
URL/website §
Enter the organization's home page or intranet page. Clicking on this link launches your computer's default browser and attempts to open the web page.
Active: users can select
Default member of collection
Permanent member of collection §
See the Managing collections: Common attributes help topic.

Address §

These fields are used to specify the organization's location and contact information. A PDX package includes this information, which is helpful to supply chain partners.

The Country and Postal code values are locked for the home organization. You can only change their values in the Software License Key tool. You may need to close the PDXpert client and start it again to see license changes.

Files §

The Files list lets you attach files to the organization. These can be changed or removed at any time by users with administrative permissions for the Organizations collection.

To add, edit or remove a file:

  • Right-click within the Files area or directly on an existing file. This shows a context menu with the available commands.

Library files are saved within PDXpert's own data library. Appropriate uses may be to save, for example, non-disclosure agreements and contracts.

URLs can point to files stored anywhere such as a file server or website. An unmanaged file is not controlled by PDXpert, and may be modified, moved or deleted without PDXpert's knowledge. Use a URL when you want to always point to the latest version of an often-updated "background information" file, such as the organization's web site or supplier-maintained price list.

Notes §

The Notes textbox may be used for any purpose that you choose. Up to 20,000 characters (about 10 printed pages of text) can be added.

Setup §

The Batch Importer tool can import new Organizations collection members.

The organization that has the PDXpert software license is always the default ("home") collection member. Add the default organization's address.

Add an organization record for any entity that:

  • Issues document numbers or part numbers that are used in your PLM system
  • Supplies you with parts
  • Has regulatory control over the technical contents of your documents
  • Has adopted any of your documentation for its own use, and is affected by changes to that documentation

Providing a unique Display name for every entity you add to the database helps you distinguish between various organizations' parts and documents. Make the abbreviation suggestive of the organization you're working with: "Motorola", "CSA", "VDE", "FDA" and "Boeing" are good examples.

In U.S. Government contracting environments, the CAGE code can be appended to the Name or used as the Display name value. The CAGE then becomes a searchable value for items in the database.

Color-coded environments §

You must request a separate software license key for each non-production server.

The Display name is shown in the application and on reports. You can confirm to users that they're using a non-production system for test or training.

If you include an exclamation character ! anywhere in the Display name, the background color on the main window's status bar is changed.

  • ! (without a number following) shows the status bar with a dark gray background. For example, Test! shows status text as Status text.
  • !1 shows the status bar with a dark red background. For example, Home!1 shows as Status text
  • !2 shows the status bar with a dark yellow (brown) background. For example, Use!2Train shows as Status text
  • !3 shows the status bar with a dark green background. For example, ALT!3rd shows as Status text
  • !4 shows the status bar with a dark blue background. For example, !4Blue shows as Status text
  • !5 shows the status bar with a dark orange background. For example, !5Orange shows as Status text
  • !6 shows the status bar with a dark teal background. For example, !6Teal shows as Status text
  • !7 shows the status bar with a dark violet background. For example, !7Violet shows as Status text

To see the effect, lock the form F2 to save your changes.