Attributes (change form)

These fields show a change form's:

  • Classification, priority, and responsible parties (for example, an initiator and a validator)
  • Estimated cost effect
  • Effective limits, such as the production quantity, serial/lot numbers, or time period

Your administrator may have hidden some of these fields, or given other labels, in the Change Forms collection member window.

Change classification §

You can select the change class, which typically identifies the change form's effect on part interchangeability (and thereby suggests that new item identifier numbers have been given), customer impact, or contractual requirements. The available selection is managed in the Change Classifications collection.

Priority §

You can inform your colleagues about the urgency, and possibly the scope, of the change. Selecting a particular priority may also require entering the beginning serial number and/or date when the change must take effect. The available selection is managed in the Change Priorities collection.

The change form's priority is shown in Item Explorer's Tasks list according to the Task priority selected in the Change Priorities member.

Person #1
Person #2 §

These fields show people who have some role or responsibility for the change's contents. The list is managed in the Persons collection.

These can be shown or hidden, and their labels changed, in the Change Forms collection member.

Cost estimate §

This section gathers costs as: one-time expenses not allocated to specific affected items; one-time (non-recurring) expenses related to affected items; and recurring expenses that are added to each affected item whenever it's produced.

Other costs (or −savings) §

This is the cost for tasks not otherwise given in the individual disposition expenses on the Affected list. A negative value, such as -1000.00, is a one-time savings or income; for example, unused inventory is sold.

Non-recurring §

This is the total of all one-time costs from each affected item that has a non-recurring dispositioning cost.

One-time total §

This is the sum of the Other costs (or −savings) and the Non-recurring costs, and shows the immediate cost of the change.

Recurring §

This is the total of future per-unit costs from each affected item that has a recurring dispositioning cost.

Effective limits §

These values can be used in any combination to limit the effect of the change.

Starting values may be used to specify when an executing change form takes effect, or the starting point of an advisory change form. Ending values are normally used only for advisory changes, such as a Deviation/Waiver.

The data labels may be changed in the Change Forms collection member.

Start on (serial number / date) §
The serial number, lot code, event, or production date of the first production unit affected by the change form.
End on (serial number / date) §

The serial number, lot code, event, or production date when production is no longer affected by the change form.

Maximum quantity affected §
The maximum number of production units that can be affected by this change.
Maximum period §
The maximum time that production that can be affected by this change.
Snapshot from §

If you've copied the change from a different change, then that other change is shown. Double-clicking on the item will open it.

This field is shown only when the item was copied from another item. Removing (deleting) the source item from the system deletes this reference.

Discussion §
If this field is shown, enter the related information.