Appears On (document)

This is a view of where the document appears within other items ("where used").

  • References The document is used as a reference by the listed items. Reference documents — such as a requirement, specification or procedure — are often identified to support a design, production or inspection task.

    Each row of the References list shows when the item was first added to the parent item (From), its current state or when it was removed (To), and some relationship details. The row's pop-up shows more detail about the relationship, including the latest iteration of the parent. If any information in the relationship changed – such as the reference Notes – then a separate row is shown.

  • Changes The list shows each change form that includes the document on its Affected list. Use the lifecycle filter buttons, above the list, to include or exclude change forms that affected the item.

    Rows in the Changes list show release/cancel details for executing change forms Executing change icon and only item information for advisory change forms Advisory change icon.

To view higher-level items where

  • the document is shown, regardless of iteration, select the This Item appears on these: option.
  • only the selected iteration is shown, select the This Revision appears on these: option.

To open a listed item, double-click on its icon or select Open Item from the context menu.

Select any item to drag it from the list to any other location that accepts that class of item. To select multiple items, click on the first item, press the keyboard Shift (range) or Ctrl (individual), then click on a different item.

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