SourceItemMasterView reference

The SourceItemMasterView is specifically intended for use in a CAD environment for part look-up, where the CAD tool may require dedicated custom parameters and/or display up to three approved part sources.

The SourceItemMasterView identifies a parent item and up to 3 approved sources side-by-side; each set of source columns are identified by the suffixes _1, _2, and _3. The parent item's columns are identical to the ItemMasterView columns. Source item columns are obtained from the ItemView list (without custom attributes). Sources are listed in the order defined by the Rank shown on the parent list. Sources sharing the same rank value do not have a specified column order.

When a parent part has a pending iteration (that is, the PendingRevID is not null), then it displays the markup rank numbers, items, and notes. When a parent part has only a released iteration (the PendingRevID is null, RevID is not null, and IsCanceled is false), then it displays the current released child iteration (Revision_Child, Lifecycle_Child, etc.) with rank and notes. If a child part has a pending iteration, that's shown in separate columns (PendingRevision_Child, PendingLifecycle_Child, etc.) but is not yet assigned to the parent's current configuration. A query that requires the current released parent must test that the parent PendingRevID is null and IsCanceled is false.

The basic SQL statement is SELECT * FROM SourceItemMasterView

This view is also contained in the local views database. Client-side ODBC applications can select from this view and from SQLite-compatible Views collection members based on this view.

Column definitions §

There may exist in the view one or more "housekeeping" columns that have been reserved for PDXpert's private use. These columns' names begin with the prefix HK (for instance, HK1). Housekeeping columns may be redefined or eliminated in a future PDXpert release without notice. These are not documented, and you should ignore these columns in your own SQL queries. Do not create any custom attributes that use the HK prefix. You may want to create a user-defined view that excludes the housekeeping columns.

The column ordering may not be exactly as shown in this table, and may change in a future PDXpert release. Use the column name, not ordinal position, in your SQL queries.

Column name Data type Record attribute
ItemId ...  custom_Member refer to the ItemMasterView reference help topic parent item standard and custom attributes
Rank_1 integer source 1 row Rank
RowNotes_1 string source 1 row Notes
Class_1 ... Notes_1 see: ItemView columns source 1 item standard attributes
Rank_2 integer source 2 row Rank
RowNotes_2 string source 2 row Notes
Class_2 ... Notes_2 see: ItemView columns source 2 item standard attributes
Rank_3 integer source 3 row Rank
RowNotes_3 string source 3 row Notes
Class_3 ... Notes_3 see: ItemView columns source 3 item standard attributes